Terms and Conditions Casillero Virtual Internacional Tu Encomienda


PO Box conditions in Miami

  • Tu Encomienda informs that all the cargo that arrives at our warehouse in Miami, must be dispatched within a maximum period of 30 calendar days after its arrival at our warehouse.
  • If the client does not make the dispatch request within the maximum period, from day 31, $ 2 usd per day will be charged for storage.
  • If, for any reason, Tu Encomienda provides the service of receiving packages and the client wishes to physically collect in our warehouse without making any shipment to Colombia (in and out), the value of this service per package will be $ 10 USD
  • The client can send the amount of pounds that he wishes, however, the client accepts that the minimum will invoice 10 pounds + insurance, more taxes (if applicable), regardless of the selected shipping option. This in order to identify the entire logistics process so that the shipment arrives safely to the client's destination address.

PO Box conditions in Bogotá

  • For the case of Cash on Delivery or C.O.D. All cargo that Tu Encomienda Bogotá notifies as collected, the client has a period of 5 working days after the notification to make the payment.
  • If the client takes longer than the one established to carry out the dispatch to the destination, Tu Encomienda is not responsible in case of immobilisations or seizures since our warehouse is constantly inspected and the load must have continuous rotation, since our service in Bogotá It is not storage.
  • If the client does not pay within the maximum period, from day 6, $ 5,000 Colombian pesos per day will be charged for storage.

We ship from Miami United States to Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, Mexico, Venezuela, Panama and the Dominican Republic.

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Monday - Friday
9.00am - 6.00pm

10.00am - 1.00pm


2505 NW 72nd Ave SUITE A
Miami, FL. 33122


PH. +1(305)994-7212


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